I'm not sure if I necessarily need to go, but I know I want to. I would love to travel more, visit a very unique and culturally different country, and be able to photograph the people and culture. But first and foremost I think it would be a big learning and growing experience for me. And it might help me in trying to decide what to do post college. Should I try to find an internship or assistantship with a photographer? Keep my job as a server and try to get my own photography business going? Apply to travel magazines? Or dive into missions and maybe find a photography job with the International Mission Board or the North American Mission Board? And going off that, should I look into going to Seminary for a graduate Missions degree? I just don't know. Really the only thing holding me back from jumping right into this opportunity to visit Israel is school. I would miss two days of one class and three days of two other classes. Being my last semester of college(YAY!) I don't know if this is a good idea. But then again, it's just a week and a half, how much would I really miss? And of course there's always the financial aspect. Can I afford it? Will there be support available from others? I just don't know.
So as you can see I've got some decision making to do, along with lots of prayer. So what do you think? Should I go for it if I'm feeling led to do so? Or should I hold off because the timing just isn't that great? Keep me in your prayers please!
I think you should go. It sounds awesome! I would love to do something like that!! Xoxo