Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Decisions Decisions

I have recently run into an opportunity to go to Israel. The trip would be for 10 days in February. It's not a mission trip like I originally thought when I first heard about it, but rather an educational trip. The tour hosts are the pastor and his wife of my hometown church, who have been to Israel before. I think the trip would be a fantastic spiritual and educational experience, and very humbling. We would travel to different sites and cities like the Sea of Galilee and Jerusalem, all the while studying God's word.
I'm not sure if I necessarily need to go, but I know I want to. I would love to travel more, visit a very unique and culturally different country, and be able to photograph the people and culture. But first and foremost I think it would be a big learning and growing experience for me. And it might help me in trying to decide what to do post college. Should I try to find an internship or assistantship with a photographer? Keep my job as a server and try to get my own photography business going? Apply to travel magazines? Or dive into missions and maybe find a photography job with the International Mission Board or the North American Mission Board? And going off that, should I look into going to Seminary for a graduate Missions degree? I just don't know. Really the only thing holding me back from jumping right into this opportunity to visit Israel is school. I would miss two days of one class and three days of two other classes. Being my last semester of college(YAY!) I don't know if this is a good idea. But then again, it's just a week and a half, how much would I really miss? And of course there's always the financial aspect. Can I afford it? Will there be support available from others? I just don't know.

So as you can see I've got some decision making to do, along with lots of prayer. So what do you think? Should I go for it if I'm feeling led to do so? Or should I hold off because the timing just isn't that great? Keep me in your prayers please!

1 comment:

  1. I think you should go. It sounds awesome! I would love to do something like that!! Xoxo
